Friday, December 26, 2008

Fried Turkey 2008! Pt. 2 (Read below post first please!)

So now we see the turkey has been frying for some time and you gotta be careful cause that oil will go everywhere if its too hot
And when its ready, take out it and you got yourself a fried turkey. Doesn't take that long and was pretty exciting, but I still wouldn't eat it.

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Fried Turkey 2008! Pt.1 (Because Blogger is acting funny)

Up north, I've heard of fried turkey and it seemed to be a southern thing because I never heard of anyone who ever cooked a turkey with this method. Imagine my excitement when my friend said she was going to be making one for Christmas dinner. And so I continue to chronicle the journey of me in the south, here is making fried turkey (for those up north who've never actually seen it). It starts with the above setup. Real simple.
Then you have to poor a lot of peanut oil in the pot and let it boil up.
Then when it's nice and hot, place the turkey into the boiling oil.
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Two more

Two more pictures from high school (2002). My favorite one was the Hershey's chocolate one. What was even better was eating it after I was done though.

I can't believe I haven't posted these

I can't believe I haven't posted these pictures. The bottom one is probably one of my best pieces - hangs right over my fireplace and is actually made of 4 pictures

Friday, November 21, 2008

NC State Wolfpack

This was something I did for a co-worker who went to NC State

Monday, October 27, 2008

Quick Branch Sketch

Quick sketch of a branch I did this weekend because I was bored!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

New Art!

It took a while, but it's done!
The first one was done for a friend. And the second, took a long time so I'm glad its done

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Finally some justice

So I read this story, I think it was Seattle, about cops actually ticketing people who drive below the speed limit in the left lane. The left lane is meant for passing, so when people are going slow, they are actually breaking the law since people need to pass them on the right just to get by. All states need to start this because one of the things I hate most is slow drivers in the left lane.

Not to mention that my friend from NY also complained about Virginia drivers.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pictures of the South

So I decided to try something new. Since I do some traveling, I want to document some of the things I see. Like the giant cars they give me when I ask for the smallest possible and all the great southern things that we used to joke about and never actually thought existed. This should be fun.

The first picture is from a trip to North Carolina. This is one of the only restaurants in the area.

Then came the car rental. Does one person really need such a big car when she first asks for the smallest available?

Piggly Wiggly actually exists and its a supermarket. Wow!

This is from my last trip. Better, but still bigger than I'm used to.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fun link to waste time

Go to this site. It's quite fun though odd. A friend sent it to me and I still play with it every day.


Monday, March 17, 2008

My first day of workout

So I finally decided to workout which I've been promising myself I would start since January.

January didn't work since I was traveling alot.

February didn't work either since I hurt my shoulder and could hardly move it.

So I finally started and how do I start? I first forget the code to get into the gym. Then some guy with his two kids are in there, the kids playing all over the machine which is just annoying. Then after working out for only 15 minutes, the elliptical machine stopped working and then 5 minutes later, the machine reset itself. I am not starting on a good foot.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Working Smart

So during senior year at Cornell, we had two of the toughest classes on the campus - Unit Operations and Senior Design. These two classes kept us ChemEs locked in the basement computer lab (aka The Dungeon) and it took forever to get the assigment done because we followed the first column.

During MEng, the same professor gave us this sheet, which talks about working harder vs. working smarter. And I will say, the second column did work out better without sucking the life of me.

Still Life

Oil paint (2003)

Square Fruit

Oil pastels (2003)


Headache in Oil Paint (2001(


Oil Pastel (2002)



Lily in colored pencil (2007)


My favorite breakfast

Snow on my car

Snow on my car from when it snowed in NY. I miss this stuff.

Monday, January 21, 2008

New York. New York

This past week could not have been any better.

It first started with the beginning of vacation. A 6 hour car trip and a few hours later, eating, drinking and be merry with some college friends like the good old college days where you get the munchies and order pizza at 11:30 at night and forget where to deliver it to. Then more hanging out a movies the next day.

Monday was spent food shopping and visiting a few of the good ole places of Westchester county - bubble tea, good food, and I forget what happened the rest of the day.

Tuesday was filled with more friends from school with more good food and good deserts and a hair cut in the making in the best city in the world - New York City!!! No place is better. Well, there are probably a few, but I haven't visited them yet.

I'm not sure what happened Wednesday.

Thursday was more family dinners.

Friday was once again filled more good food and NYC - I love the food and smells you can only find there.

Then Saturday was sadly packing and cleaning. It was so sad. I really didn't want to come back.

And then the best ending to the vacation was the fact that the Patriots and the Giants are both going to the superbowl!!! Go northeast US! And now, I don't know who to cheer for. I should cheer for my home state team but I also want to cheer for NE because they're a good team and they're doing so well it would be a shame for them to lose. What am I going to do?

I miss NY...