Saturday, January 31, 2009

Black Orchid - 2009

Black Orchid - In progress
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's snowing!!!

Or at least for a little bit a some point today. It's not much though, but they're salting the streets.
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Monday, January 26, 2009


Isn't it cute? I'm trying some new types of painting - more illustration like. Lots of fun and works as a break.
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yay for Vacation!

After a long and hard 2008, I've decided to take my vacation up to the northeast where it will be cold with plenty of snow - because its already snowed 2 while I was up here.

I love going to PA because its pretty and also because its generally the time where I don't do anything.

Then it was on my way to NY and I was so excited. Spent a few hundred dollars. Got my hair cut. And most importantly, ate really really really good food that I miss so much down in Virginia. I'll probably gain a few pounds (I'm thinking 5 lbs), but at the same time, you're walking all over NYC so I'm still getting my exercise. Anyways, can't wait for more food - oh, and more shopping now that there is no sales tax on clothing under 100 dollars! So much more to choose from than done in VA.

And only a few more days until the trip back. Sigh.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Once upon a time, I had a website where I would publish my work, but soon decided it was too much work, so I've decided to use Google's free site. It's not bad for quick posts where I don't need things to be extra fancy, so please visit: