Wednesday, December 5, 2007


It's finally happened. It snowed in Richmond. Though none of it stuck to the ground and it was only for like 1 minute, it was still exciting. I miss the snow

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sandals and socks don't mix

So I saw someone today where sandals with socks. Explain to me why people do that and why it bothers me so much. You wear sandals when you're not supposed to where socks. If you want to wear socks, get some slip on shoes then. I will say though, sandals and socks are okay if maybe you're going out to get the paper or a trip to the car, but not when you're out shopping.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Water Lily


Lady in Shower


Park Landscape



Blue Rose

Blue Eye

Purplr Baby Shoes


My Portfolio

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Officially Virginia

Last Friday, I completed the last step in become a citizen of Virginia - I registered my car, which means no more New York license plates. It was so sad and so final. But I know I will always be a New Yorker at heart - even if I may not end up there with a job.

My apartment is finally coming together - got the bedroom furniture - soon the couch - and a coffee table and end table for only 20 dollars which is an amazing bargin. Yeah its a little beat up, but some paint will make it look amazing and this way, I can make it into what I really want.

The heat is coming here with a vengence and I am not very happy. I am not used to this weather and really miss NY for the bit cooler weather. But I guess when the winter seasons come, I will be a lot happier not having to deal with snow everywhere.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Another week in

Another week in and everything seems to be fine. Got me a mattress and bedroom set and work is going just fine. I think I'm actually starting to learn things.

I went to the DMV today to get my new license and it was so sad. I was starting to give away part of my New York-ness to come to Virginia which is so much different. And let's not forget learning about yearly sales and use tax which is not cool at all. And there are even more fees on top of all of that. Wow they really want money. I guess that's one of the things I was scared of when I headed down south.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Two weeks in

So I've been here in Richmond for about two weeks now. I got myself a nice 2 bed-2 bath apartment not far from all the main shopping centers and in a nice area. But let me say, it's no New York. It's more humid here and its cheaper. The area I live in is supposed to be the pricey part, but its nothing compared to what rent was at home.

Problem the one thing I don't enjoy is the way people drive around here. No one really moves and have issues turning and merging and I feel like I'm just way more aggressive than normal, even without going over the speed limit.

So I've been trying to get furniture together since I really don't have anything, and the best thing happened. These people who were moving in upstairs needed to get rid of some stuff and saw that I had nothing, so they offered some of their furniture. Now I am the proud owner of computer table and sleeper sofa. Hooray. It was just so nice!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Only a week left

And I will officially start working and I can't wait.

Other than that, I saw this site today:

It's a site that will tell you the chances of getting into different colleges for a price. It's interesting and shows just how important getting into top colleges is getting. Weird.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Two things

I don't want to sound disrespectful or anything, but I really don't like my apartment for two reasons. One is the fact that they seem to be doing yard work everyday or something that just doesn't makes sense and then charges up the ass for it. I mean a week ago they planted roses in front of the complex and they are already dead. The second thing is the people. The complex seems to have young families or old people. Young families are okay except for the screaming kids, but you can't really do anything about that. Now its the old people that are kinda weird. Most of them don't really have jobs of course, so they sit outside on the bench and just kinda stare at anyone who passes. Now the last thing you want is someone watching you park and take things out of your car...or more like stare at you. Then there is the fact that a few have handicap permits but never use them. Its more like a backup for them. So what exactly is their handicap if they don't even need the permit? Just lazy?

Then there is also the fact that I finally have a job location...or at least I think, hopefully. Its further than what I originally planned, but I figure that it's nice to get out of the area for at least a few years.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Now its been two weeks since finishing school and I am still just as bored. There's nothing to really do by yourself or that doesn't cost money.

Not to mention the fact that they are still doing renovations in the apartment which are just annoying since they are always around doing something that just messes things around. Not to mention the constant gardening that always seems to be happening. I really hate this place.

Monday, June 4, 2007

It's only been a week since I've gotten outta college and I have no idea what to do. I am already bored - sleeping until noon and then sitting around and really doing nothing because honestly, there isn't much to do around here without having, which like most students right out of college, money. There's also the fact that most of the people I would hang out with aren't around.

Hopefully once work starts, things will be better.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm done

It's finally happened. I've officially graduated and will no longer be attending school. I left Cornell for the last time and it didn't quite hit me until I was an hour away and I realized that I wouldn't be coming back in a few months. But I'm so happy that its over. Except for the fact that now I have no idea what to do. I mean, I usually have a summer job which I don't have and am worrying about what's going to happen next semester. I also had to make my first payment on one of my undergraduate loans. What am I going to do with myself?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Things are finally starting to wind down. Only two more days of finals then some other stuff I have to take care of. Ever since I finished my master's project, I have no motivation to work on the other paper I have to work on. All I really want to do is sit on my butt and do nothing.

It is also official that I am the only MEng left without a job offer and it sucks. What is so wrong with me that I haven't been able to find something but everyone else, including the seniors have been able to. I just want a job so at least I won't be poor during the summer as I start to pay off all my loans.

Monday, April 23, 2007

All-American Rejects

So the year is finally ending and I am still without a job. I think I'm the only one left. And I still have my project to finish plus who knows what that I'm forgetting about. So instead of working, I went to the OKGO/All-American Rejects concert - and it was amazing.

The first group was The Whigs and they were okay.

OKGO was alot of fun just listening to the songs.

But I was really waiting for AAR. Though people complain about them, I don't care. I like their music and had fun jumping and dancing around since their songs are just meant for that. It was the break I really needed.

Now I just gotta finish a project for my energy class which I don't know how to accomplish it within a week, a another project paper for another class where I again have no idea where I'm going, and my final mini-thesis paper which would probably be easier if I had time to do it.

Less than two weeks until Slope Day and I can't wait...not so sure about the music there though

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Working at the Service Center

I must say that working at the service center in the dorms has its ups and downs.

Ups would have to be the fact that it is a rather lax job and is perfect for the everyday student.

The down can sometimes be the people outside the service center. As I sit here, I can't help but not listen. I guess everyone is just happy about eating because as soon as they stand before entrance, either before or after eating, all they do is talk and I'm pretty sure its not normal talking, but screaming type of talking. Maybe its not them, but the acoustics. Either way, I get a headache after work.

Monday, March 26, 2007


My friend and I went to see TMNT on Friday and at first, I wasn't all that excited about it. But I was like why not? It might be okay. I mean, I grew up when the turtles were big and I kinda wanted to see it just for the nostalgic feeling. So we sat through it and I was actually very surprised that it was good. It was funny and it made me remember when I was a kid and it didn't destroy the story of the turtles that we all grew up with. They actually continued the story line and didn't destroy any of the characters we grew to love. If you haven't seen it, I recommend you should.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Get Fuzzy is one of my favorite comics I think. Here's one from today I think some would enjoy.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Snow Day

On Valentine's Day 2007, Cornell officially shutdown at 12:05 and it was amazing! Cornell never has snow days unless its really bad, and boy was it. At least a foot of snow and more onto the next day. Ithaca even notified the town of a city of emergency the night before. It was amazing. And the next day, we had a delay. I loved it!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

I went to my first ever Cornell hockey game on Friday - after 5 years of waiting. While there, I was pretty bored for the first third though Cornell led 3 -1. What made things more interesting as the game went on was when players would ram other players against the walls or start fights and just be right down aggressive. That's what hockey's are about because honestly, all that happens is that they go back and forth on the ice like a million times.

What I also realized that us Cornellians are really mean to the other team. We taunght and scream and throw things at the opposing teams. I think that since we are in the middle of nowhere, this is really the only interesting thing. We need to find more interesting things to do... though I will admit, once I understood what people were saying when they taunghted the other team, it was quite fun.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cornell on The Daily Show

Jon Stewart today mentioned Cornell on the Daily Show - more specifically the time when he came and did an event where he did a routine I guess you can say for the community. There was a picture of him with the words Cornell in the background. Just another reason why Cornell is the best.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Cat Takes on a NINJA Chipmunk

Cat vs. Chipmunk

Hamster Wheel Gone Wrong

Don't run too quickly....