Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow in December. How it should be.

It looks like we got another snow storm this year. It snowed for 2 days about, but now, on this Sunday, it is warm and sunny and the sky is so damn blue. I really thought there would be more snow then there was. We only got 6 inches and I was really hoping for maybe a foot. But here are some lovely pictures that I took along:

This was at around 5pm Friday, when it began to snow.
This is how it looked liked 20 hours later.
Another two hours have passed and it's time for me to start cleaning off the car. At least it was a powdery snow and not wet and icy.

I spent all day inside under a blanket and watching TV. Not like I could do anything else.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Computer!

I finally got my new computer today. An HP dv6t laptop. It's really pretty and a lot faster than my old toshiba. The best part is that the screen on this computer works. I just figure out what to do with my old laptop, probably a computer for other programs since it's starting to be slow as well. I absolutely love playing around with t.

Then there's my old desktop. It's 8 years old and I've been trying to find a way to recycle it, but all the information about recycling is not very clear. Is it really that hard?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pink Waterlily

Oil Pastels - 2009

So things have been a bit slow at work lately and it is driving me up a wall, so I decided to do something about it and do a little artwork on the side. This is what I came up with. Haven't used oil pastels in a while either, so it was a bit interesting. The ones I did have were old and almost nothing left. I guess I need to invest in a new set.
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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ice Skating!

I did it. Today, almost in impulse, I signed up for ice skating lessons. Now there are only two rinks in the area, owned by the same people, but the rinks aren’t bad. I made sure I signed up for the adult classes though since it would be really weird taking lessons with kids. It’s been a while since I’ve been skating, most of which I taught myself, but I figure now is as good a time as any to learn how to stop, since that’s the one thing I have not been able to figure out on my own and is probably important. Classes start on Wednesday with practice sessions available throughout the week, so it looks like I’m going to have to get my skates sharpened.

I also need to start on my painting. I have been putting it off for way too long.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

More NY Goodness

I found pictures of Central Park from the NY weekend. I miss it so much, but won't probably go back until March or so because it's going to get cold and nasty real soon, but I'm planning all my stops now (the first thing I'm going to do is get a haircut).

Also, did I mention we crashed a wedding?


I found a rainbow this weekend. I couldn't get a good picture though since I found it while driving and couldn't find a good place to pull over and still see it well.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It was a slow day at work...

I had some downtime at work and so decided to do some doodling. These were done in dry erase markers, highlighters, and sharpies. Something to pass the time.

As much as it is to have some downtime, I really hope things get to pick up soon because I hate sitting around and doing nothing.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I am currently at war with my work computer, but can't really tell who is winning

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm Cleaning!

It's weird, but I've been on an organizing binge lately. I'm doing my office and my apartment which is kinda odd. I guess we'll see how it comes out.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So sad...

So the end of my vacation to PA is over, but it was not uneventful. I got to play with some kids, got some good shopping done, missed two days of work, and most importantly...found BACONNAISE! I have been looking for it for so long and finally found it up there in Wegman's. Now I can enjoy bacon without the meat part of it since it really is vegetarian!

I don't want to go back to work.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why haven't I posted this one yet?

Purple Gardenia - 2009
I forgot when I did this, but it was a while ago and I never posted it.
Maybe I should go update my online portfolio.

One of the best parts of NY is the dessert

So I had craving for rainbow layer cookies - they are these Italian cookies that have three layers of marzipan, with raspberry jam and topped with chocolate. So good. Except I could not find any places around here that sold they, so I decided to make them myself. It takes a lot of work, but I am looking forward to them. So yummy.

It's amazing that people here don't know about them or a lot of other desserts - cannolis, napoleons. I guess it just shows the difference between NY and VA.

Man do I miss NY. I'm always going to be a NY girl, so matter where they put me in this assignment.

Pictures to come soon.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I may be losing it ... AKA - Told you exercise isn't all that necessary

Today was the first day in quite a while that I've gotten to do some actual work. And boy was it work. And then towards the end of the day, something happened. My computer said that I was fat. Or at least I think it did. With my hate-hate but necessary to work with relationship with my computer, it may have very well said it. Or maybe it was just too much work in one day.

On a second note to the computer calling me fat, while I was looking at the news today, I found an interesting article on why exercise won't make you thin (thanks to TIME magazine). Hah to all! It's quite informative all about how though you exercise and we all spend so much money on it, it can actually make you bigger, mostly because you think you can eat more. It's still interesting.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Strengths Are...

I took this “What are your strengths” test today. It’s based on research that was gathered by a man named Tom Rath as part of his series on developing a person’s strengths in order to succeed as opposed to working on your weaknesses. From what I saw, the book really is a good read and makes you think.

After answering a bunch of questions, they give you your top 5 themes or strengths, Mine were:

Deliberative – take serious care in making choices

Analytical – search for reason and cause and think about all factors

Intellection – introspective and go for intellectual discussions

Competition – measure progress agasint other and want first place

Context – understand the present situation by looking at the past

Which are all very true about me. Now to put these babies to work – once I get some that is.

Friday, May 22, 2009

New Yorkers are the worst drivers

Go New York. Suck it New Jersey.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Plumeria - Oil Paint - 10"x10" - 2009
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Steps to my next painting

So I accomplished something this week - I did another painting. One of a plumeria. It's much smaller than what I'm used to, but I'm also thinking about making it part of a series.

I also thought it might be nice to show some of the steps I take to make it. So here:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've come to a block

I have finally hit another block in my art work. I'm not sure what I want to draw or paint anymore since it just seems tiresome. Blah.

What I really wish is for somehow to look into selling my art work or doing more commission work.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Random Sketch from some Saturday

I think it's cute. Just something randoml y done while sitting outside one day.
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Snow in VA!

I forgot to put this picture up. But last week, or maybe the week before, we had snow. Not real snow (it was kinda slushy), but a good amount. How exciting!

And now this week, in the 60s?!
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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Black Orchid - 2009

Black Orchid - In progress
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's snowing!!!

Or at least for a little bit a some point today. It's not much though, but they're salting the streets.
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Monday, January 26, 2009


Isn't it cute? I'm trying some new types of painting - more illustration like. Lots of fun and works as a break.
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yay for Vacation!

After a long and hard 2008, I've decided to take my vacation up to the northeast where it will be cold with plenty of snow - because its already snowed 2 while I was up here.

I love going to PA because its pretty and also because its generally the time where I don't do anything.

Then it was on my way to NY and I was so excited. Spent a few hundred dollars. Got my hair cut. And most importantly, ate really really really good food that I miss so much down in Virginia. I'll probably gain a few pounds (I'm thinking 5 lbs), but at the same time, you're walking all over NYC so I'm still getting my exercise. Anyways, can't wait for more food - oh, and more shopping now that there is no sales tax on clothing under 100 dollars! So much more to choose from than done in VA.

And only a few more days until the trip back. Sigh.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Once upon a time, I had a website where I would publish my work, but soon decided it was too much work, so I've decided to use Google's free site. It's not bad for quick posts where I don't need things to be extra fancy, so please visit: